Profile information

Profile information

Please make sure to include all the following information when editing your profile.

Name – Please add your full name


Language(s) from (select one or more) Please make sure that this is accurate. If you translate from Spanish LatAm to English or English to Spanish LatAm, please state this. If you can translate to other Spanish versions please state.


Language(s) To (select one or more) Please make sure that this is accurate too.


Location/Native – Both Location and Native needs to be filled out. Very important as Netflix only wants native translators.


Price(s) – When we need to select a translator for a subtitling job we look at skills but also price. Please update your price(s). If you regularly do spot and 5-point QC for us please add the usual fixed rate to the 5-point QC price box.


Years of experiences – Also important to have filled out.


Subtitling tool – if you have your own subtitling tool please let us know.


Platforms – Which platform do you have experience working with and for.


Fields of expertise – Please write down what kind of genres you like to work on. Anime, documentaries, reality shows, TV shows, Features, series, etc.


Working hours – Do you work full-time or part-time as a translator?



Choose all the types of work you offer.

  • Translate (from template) = working in Localizor from English template without doing timing/spotting work.
  • Proofreading = Full QC/Proofreading task per min
  • SDH = Creation of an SDH subtitle
  • Conform = A subtitle (SDH/Sub) that needs to be conformed to a Template.
  • 5-point QC (incl. spot QC) = add your fixed price for a spot/5-point QC task.


Currency: Please select the same currency as you will be invoicing.


GDPR – if the GDPR message states that the GDPR should be ticked off in order to get jobs, please do so.


Registration form: Please fill in the registration form so that we can get you registered in our payment system. This will ensure quicker pay out. Watch this tutorial video on how to fill out the form.


NDA (non-disclosure Agreement): Please note that the signed NDA will not be saved on your profile as this would be a violation to the GDPR ( It will be stored on our secured servers.